

the wherefrom guide to growing & shaving that ‘stache (sustainably)

this one’s for the boyos!

movember is really about raising awareness for a number of important issues which are far too often swept under the rug. most notably, men's mental health, suicide prevention and other health issues such as testicular and prostate cancer. all topics which shouldn’t be hidden or shied away from.

and you know what you can’t hide, a slug-like monstrosity growing bang smack in the middle of your face, so join in with pride!

whether you can grow a sexy thick moustache or just end up with a light sprinkling of bum fluff on your upper lip

we don’t judge those who are facially-hair challenged!

taking part in movember is what counts. by donating, fundraising or growing a fat tache, in the words of the infamous moustache sporting Borat, can all be considered a “great success”

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tab 1: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 2: title

tbh the basic autumn bitch loves all hot seasonal drinks. as long as they’re a) served in a pumpkin-shaped mug, or b) topped with an obscene amount of whipped cream. we don’t make the rules.

everybody knows that the first step to becoming a basic autumn bitch is an unhealthy obsession with pumpkin spice lattes. If you’re not down to PSL, you can’t be part of the club, soz.

Rome wasn't built in a day
sub category:


tab 3: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 4: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 5: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 6: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 7: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 8: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 9: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil

tab 10: title

november is here, after one final shave, you have decided to throw your trusty old razor in the bin. avoiding all temptation for the rest of the month. ready to embrace whatever is about to come your upper lips way. in the spirit of movember you decide to invest in some products to help nurture your tache.

beard oil immedietly springs to mind!
(beard...moustache...same thing)

sub category:

moustache oil