Why and how to become the person who always has a reusable water bottle with them? 

Water bottles | Maria | 6 Minute Read
Young woman carrying A LOT of water bottles

Why and how to become the person who always has a reusable water bottle with them? 

Water bottles | Maria | 6 Minute Read

Picture this: Someone is choking (not the choking that you're thinking, you sexy beast, the actual "I'm dying someone, please, help me!") on the tube and the romcom paramedic is screaming for water to save them. Because you're such a genius and carry your reusable water bottle with you EVERYWHERE you go, you just saved someone's life. And while at it, you got your lifelong meet-cute-turns-into-toxic-relationship dream come true with the paramedic. All thanks to your reusable water bottle.

In case you cannot relate to this (very plausible and common) scenario: Congrats, you just killed a person. Call me a drama queen (I will never deny it), but I think it's safe to say that having a water bottle with you will change your life for good, even if the opportunity to save someone with it never presents itself. Here are a couple of reasons why you should and some tips on how to become the next reusable-water-bottle-it-person.

Paris Hilton giving the weather forecast "That is Earth. It's hot. Don't pollute."

Seasons come and go, low waisted jeans that were once cheugy are now back and stronger than ever, but the one trend that will (hopefully) never leave us is to be more environmentally conscious and responsible. To quote our true queen of ethicality, Paris Hilton: "This is the earth. It's hot, don't pollute". By carrying a reusable water bottle with you, you're helping mama earth in countless ways i.e. reduce plastic burden on landfills, oceans and other places where plastic waste ends, and waste less water. Opt for a sustainable water bottle and you've earned yourself the Really Good award of "most sustainable water drinker".

Emma Chamberlain drinking from her reusable water bottle

You might not believe me when I say this, but reusable water bottles can be a really cute (and sure, practical, too) accessory to add some flavour to your, already really cute, outfit. There are literally thousands of options for you to choose based on your personal style, personality, work etiquette, season; whatever your prerogative is, the world of reusable water bottles offers it. Deep dive into the unexpected and you’ll end up owning multiple bottles for you to choose from every morning depending on your mood, the weather or your outfit.

Even though we've socially categorised them as purely "water" bottles, I still like to think of them as "anything" bottles, containing whatever my mood (or hormones) have me craving on that particular day. There's no reason for the person sitting next to me on the train, or my boss for that matter (shout out to Isso), to know what my reusable water bottle contains. I also live for the thrill of not always knowing what I’m drinking until whatever liquid is in the bottle touches my lips. Sometimes it’s a good surprise, others… Not so much. But we like to keep things entertaining!

Three very cute water bottle holders (in purple, blue and green)

Albeit the recent dispute on how much water we actually should be drinking, it's safe to say that it's definitely more than just the water from the melted ice cubes from your three iced oat lattes. Having that reusable water bottle next to you at. all. times. will definitely jump your water consumption up by a mile, and your mind and body will appreciate it. Plus, if you get one of those huge motivational Pinterest ones you’ll have your very own chugging-cheerleader for every sip of water, and who are we lying to, we all love a bit of motivation through the struggle that is life.

People hugging and celebrating with text "My body when I finally drink water"

Last but not least, it’s not like we need an excuse, but becoming one of those people who always has their reusable water bottle with them also opens up the door for you to make it as crazy as you. I’m talking to you who’s laptop isn’t even visible to the human eye with all the stickers covering it, you who has the most enviable phone case and multiple phone bags for every occasion. There are so many accessories, stickers, holders, cases for water bottles that even if you don’t want the actual bottle, the attachments and add-ons will definitely have you sold, and maybe your bank account broken. Embrace the water bottle, it’s yours to keep, make it your own and turn it into a projection of your whole personality; let the whole of your personality become your water bottle.

As to how to become this person, it's fairly easy if you ask me... Just manifest the life that fits a water bottle in it: waking up at 5am to journal and have nothing but a celery juice right before your pilates class, followed by a protein shake that costs more than your monthly rent, pretend to work for a couple of hours as you doomscroll on TikTok, go home, meal prep for an entire month and be in bed at 9pm, just in time for some self help reading and start all over again in a couple of hours. Easy to achieve, right? Let's get you started with your perfect water bottle and it'll all fall into place, trust the girl who has a reusable water bottle but none of the above!

Young woman holding a huge water bottle over her head

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