When shall I ask for a raise?

RGC | MoneyMaker | 2 Minute Read

When shall I ask for a raise?

RGC | MoneyMaker | 2 Minute Read
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Ever wondered when it's the right time to ask your boss?

It's a nerve-wracking topic but with the right approach (and some cosmic alignment) you can feel confident in your approach.

Here's some tips to navigate this sweaty palm situation.

First: The Optimal Times to Request a Raise

1. After completing a significant and successful project.
2. During a performance review.
3. When you've taken on additional responsibilities.
4. If you discover you're being paid below market rate for your role.
5. When your boss is in an inexplicably good mood.

Second: Your Strategic Approach

Do Your Research: Know your market value. Use salary comparison websites to understand the typical salary for your role. Knowledge is power – and cash.

Justify Your Contribution: Focus on how you've added value to the company. Use numbers and data when possible. Bosses love time saving, cash flow, and optimisation. Make stuff that isn’t working well, better.

Choose the Right Time: Schedule a meeting with your boss when they're likely to be less stressed. Don’t storm in and pretend you’ve been offered a role elsewhere. Everyone is replaceable - even if it’s expensive.

Practise Your Pitch: Rehearse what you'll say to build confidence and clarity in your request.

Be Professional: Approach the conversation with a positive attitude and avoid ultimatums or comparisons to coworkers. It doesn't matter that Dave from Accounts got a raise for learning how to do a V LOOKUP.

The Shit Your Employers Don't Want You To Know: The Cost of Employee Turnover

Here's some info that might boost your confidence: hiring and training new employees is often more expensive for companies than giving raises to existing staff. Which honestly, no one enjoys having to do. Companies' want to retain happy staff. Hiring is long.

Consider that your employer has to spend resources on:

1. Recruitment costs
2. Time spent interviewing
3. Onboarding and training
4. Lost productivity during the transition of staff

When you ask for a raise, remember that you're not just advocating for yourself – you're also potentially saving the company money.

Remember, it's not just about what you deserve, but also about the value you bring to your organisation. Good luck, and make sure you catch the boss in a good mood.

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