Seasonal Strategies: Timing Your Product Launches for Maximum Impact.

Phil McMahon | B2B

Seasonal Strategies: Timing Your Product Launches for Maximum Impact.

Phil McMahon | B2B
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In the ever-competitive world of FMCG, timing is a crucial aspect of any product launch, especially for start-ups eager to make their mark. Ensuring that your brand resonates with the buying season not only increases the chances of gaining attention from retailers but also aligns you with consumers' current needs and wants. For brands that boast ethical and sustainable credentials, aligning with the right season can also amplify your core messages. Here's a brief guide on how to strategically time your product launches with retailers:

- Research Key Retail Seasons: Beyond the well-known holidays like Christmas or Easter, each supermarket has its specific buying periods. Understand when one is looking to refresh its shelves and tailor your approach accordingly.

Exact timings may vary between retailers and may also change over time. You should consult each retailer’s buying teams and/or supplier guidelines for specific information on timings, but we have outlined a general overview here:

- Align with Consumer Trends: Launching an alcohol free product? Consider the growing Dry January movement. Have a sustainable seafood option? National Seafood Week in October could be your window. Does your product promote good health and wellbeing?  Consider a Stoptober partnership with the NHS.  The key is to synchronise with when consumers are most likely to be receptive to your product type.

- Leverage Ethical and Sustainability Events: Plastic Free July or Organic September can provide a backdrop against which your sustainable and ethical products can shine. Harness these days to help strengthen brand identity, enhance consumer loyalty, and increase visibility. It's essential, however, that you ensure genuine alignment and avoid being seen as opportunistic or engaging in "greenwashing". Authenticity and transparency are key.

- Weather-Dependent Launches: The British weather is notoriously unpredictable, yet certain patterns persist. If you're launching an ice cream product, for instance, the onset of summer is likely to be more successful than the depths of winter. Nevertheless, always have a 'Plan B' in case the weather doesn't cooperate. This might involve using promotional activities to boost sales or strategies for storing the product for later use. Such preparedness can also offer reassurance to buyers who tend to be risk-averse.

- Engage in Pre-Launch Marketing: Engaging with your audience before the launch can generate buzz. Utilise social media to drop hints or engage in storytelling around your product, amplifying anticipation (Really Good Culture can advise specifically when and where your target audience hang-out on social media). Given the unpredictability of the weather in the UK, have adaptable marketing materials. If you have a summer product, but the forecast predicts rain, you can pivot with content like "Rain or shine, our [product] is perfect for British summer!”.  Showcasing eco-friendliness can be impactful too. For example, if you're marketing beachwear, highlight its sustainable materials, especially since beaches and marine life are directly affected by climate change.

- Feedback Loop: If you're launching a product meant for a sunny day, get early feedback during a sunny spell. This ensures your trial phase matches the intended consumption environment.  Post-launch, gather feedback again to get a more substantive assessment. This isn't just about understanding the product's reception. It also gives insights into whether your timing was spot-on or if adjustments are needed for the next rollout.

Innovative products need the right launch timing. Aligning with seasonal trends, consumer behaviours, and retailer buying cycles can boost product success. For ethical start-ups, timely launches enhance brand recognition.  So, as you gear up for your next launch, remember: timing, when done right, can be the most potent tool in your arsenal.

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