How to win listings with your Breakthrough Score™

Bertie C | B2B | 5 Minute Read

How to win listings with your Breakthrough Score™

Bertie C | B2B | 5 Minute Read
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You need to do four things to get your products listed at your best-fit retailer successfully. Follow these four tips to get your buyer to love you.

First off - don’t pitch your products.

Ironic, we know. Instead, you need to pitch how your products fit within your category and why your products will be successful.

Secondly - benchmark.

Buyers are constantly comparing products. Think like a buyer and benchmark your products against every product they stock and every product they would ever consider stocking. Act like a buyer by showcasing where your product stands against your competitors.

Thirdly - show you know how to sell.

Prove you know your customers and what drives purchases. But more importantly - prove you know their customers, your products alignment with them and how to convince them to buy.

Lastly - Be the category expert. Support the buyer.

Ensure you add value beyond just a listing. Use best-in-class data to showcase you understand trends and NPD growth areas within the category. Pitch yourself as the brand that will help support the buyer in growing the category through your expertise and insights.


So where does Really Good Culture come in?

RGC’s proprietary AI, The Breakthrough Score ™  is the world’s first AI-tool that can predict how likely any product in FMCG is to sell. We have Breakthrough Scores for every single product in every category.

You can use the Breakthrough Score and other tools within RGC’s retail expansion suite to win listings, expand current ones and grow your business.

Firstly - pitch your product’s likelihood of success.

For the first time, you can definitively showcase to your buyer how likely you are to succeed on shelf - and where your products fit within your category by ranking.

Secondly - benchmark every competitor.

Rank a retailers entire range and win the confidence of your buyer with Breakthrough Scores.

Thirdly - show you know how to sell to their customers.

Utilise social-graphing tools to identify shared prospective customers with your best-fit retailer. Analyse people with a high propensity to buy your product. Gain rich insights on how to sell to them and drive rate of sale.

And lastly - demonstrate category expertise

Analyse billions of data points to find emerging trends, opportunities for growth and opportunities for NPD in the category. The most powerful category deep-dive ever created.

Get in touch with us to find out your score today.

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