4 Really Good Palm Oil Free Nut Butters

(For under £4)
Because peanut butter is a non-negotiable

4 Really Good Palm Oil Free Nut Butters

(For under £4)

Go and check the back of your trusty old peanut butter. I bet it has palm oil in it... did you check? It does doesn’t it. Before you shrug that fact off, go read this article, and find out how truly devastating palm oil cultivation is for our planet.

Have I captured your interest yet? Yay! Now I can tell you all about the delicious palm oil free nut butter that is available to you. The world is your oyster when it comes to sustainable nutty butters. You don’t have to quit that creamy nutty spread for good, you’ve just got to make some conscious choices. But no fear, we’re here to help you. Scroll down to explore our top picks of the best palm oil free nut butters on the planet.

Each Whole Earth  jar represents a conscious choice to support a brand that prioritises the protection of our natural resources and eliminating palm oil. So, dip your apple slices into it, knowing that you are savouring a product that is good for you and the planet.

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Choosing Pip & Nut peanut butter not only satisfies your taste buds but also aligns with your commitment to a sustainable future. Due to their promise to eliminate palm oil Pip & Nut have saved 125 metric tonnes of palm oil. Plus they’re B Corp certified...slay.

It’s literally on the jar. Meridian never use palm oil. Again, huge slay. It’s also organic. So another massive sustainability tick. And if organic is your thing and you want tasty peanut butter. This is a match made in heaven.

You guessed it: Suma peanut butter also doesn’t use palm oil! They also source all their peanuts from organic and fair trade sources and all of their peanut butter is packaged in recyclable  materials.

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