4 Really Good Adaptogenic Coffees

(For under £40)
An ode to mushrooms.

4 Really Good Adaptogenic Coffees

(For under £40)

It's called an adapotogen because it's filled with ingredients that adapt to your body's changes in hormones and chemicals in order to create balance and regulation. Pretty smart, huh?

One of these miracle ingredients is Mother Nature's own mushroom...three cheers for mushrooms!

But the idea of gobbling on a reishi mushroom first thing in the morning does not create peace and wellbeing of the mind. But neither does a latte.

If the caffeine jitters are ruining your flow, adaptogen coffee may be the solution. With significantly less caffeine than your usual coffee, you'll still feel a boost in energy and focus but allow the natural powers of mushrooms to take you up without the hard crash back down. Not to mention all the immunity enhancing benefits mushrooms bring.

If you want extra peace of mind, opt for the most ethical brew, obviously.

How ethical are these adaptogenic things?

These scores are based on crowdsourced ratings across various aspects of these products' ethicality and sustainability principles. Visit reallygoodculture.com for more.

4 Top Rated Adaptogenic Coffees

This bad boy contains none other than the wildly body beneficial Lion's Mane. Balance Coffee's Mushroom Coffee is filled with vitamin B3 and antioxidants to enhance brain function and boost energy levels without the caffeine comedown of jitters. Good for your mind and communities across the world as 1% of sales are donated to help build wells which provide clean water to coffee growing communities.

Work at Fable and Mane? Sign up to explore your score here

Mix in Moon Juice's Reishi Nootropic Mushroom powder with your daily coffee for a calming, concentration enhancing mood booster. This Reishi powder is housed in a glass container that can be infinitely recycled so you know the packaging won't outstay its welcome. Committed to 100% traceable and responsible sourcing, Moon Juice choose to only partner with farmers who maintain biodiversity and hand-harvest so as to not disrupt natural ecosystems.

B Corp certified Naturya are the home of superfoods. With the wholesome blend of fair trade coffee, coconut milk, reishi mushroom and a lil' extra added calcium, this Coffee Superfood Latte is good for you and the planet.

With their roots in Nordic tradition Four Sigmatic are incorporating wellness into your daily coffee ritual. This latte mix contains 100% organic ingredients including coconut milk powder so it's 100% vegan.

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