18 Really Good Sustainable Vodkas

Sustainable shots anyone?

18 Really Good Sustainable Vodkas

Sustainable shots anyone?

Did you know that you can drink your way to a better future? Well, your liver might not thank you, but the planet sure as hell will. That’s right, some awesome brands are now making sustainable AF vodka, out of waste food by-products, using climate negative practices, and some are even plucking CO2 out of the air and putting it straight in your vodka tonic (it tastes nicer than this sounds).

Don't make the planet pay for your drunken mistakes, read our leaderboard of 22 Vodkas. Hint: 18 of them are really good ;)

How ethical are these vodkas?

These scores are based on crowdsourced ratings across various aspects of these products' ethicality and sustainability principles. Visit reallygoodculture.com for more.

5 Top Rated Vodkas

Vodka made from milk? Ok you’re having a laugh. Apparently not, it’s actually a way of using up the milk left over from the cheese making process. Black Cow Vodka are zero waste baddies!

Work at Fable and Mane? Sign up to explore your score here

Name a sustainable certification and Fair Vodka has it. Quinoa isn’t just for health nuts anymore, it’s also for those of us who really love a vodka soda.

This is exactly what it says on the tin: vodka that performs as a climate activist. Kosenkorva is the first vodka in the world made from 100% regenerative farmed barley. Now that’s something to brag about, eh?

Apparently the “world’s most sustainable spirit”, this vodka is literally made with CO2 captured from the air. They take CO2 (sucked directly from the air or captured at source) and combine it with hydrogen. Merging these elements creates ethanol which, when combined with water, becomes a vodka.

Made using 100% renewable energy, this vodka is a truly sustainable spirit. Plus, with every bottle purchased, 40 pence is donated to the eco-distillery’s charitable partner, Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, restoring one square metre of UK wildflower habitat.  This means that you can rest easily in the knowledge that you’re doing your part for the planet with every spicy cardamom-flavoured sip!

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