11 Life Lessons from Dad

Isobel T | Life & Death | 4 Minute Read

11 Life Lessons from Dad

Isobel T | Life & Death | 4 Minute Read
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Trying to find 3 words to describe my Dad in a rhythmic opening sentence proved to be particularly difficult. He was such an articulate man and I hope to live up to that one day.

Instead, I thought I would attempt to paint a miniature picture of him by using some of the words his friends, family and colleagues used to describe him over the last few weeks: kind, courageous, dignified, a gentleman, boyish sense of humour, well-liked, a storyteller, loving, democratic, shortarse, generous, intelligent and my particular favourite “a real classy bloke”.

He did all the things good dads do, like checking the oil in our cars when we hadn’t, which was never. He was annoyingly one of those people that were pretty good at anything that they tried their hand at. Music, drawing, writing, speaking, baking or fixing shit. You get this gist. 

He was the man who wore shorts 362 days of the year, even in the winter with a giant, furry parka. The man who’d read every book on WW2 available from Waterstones. The man who would correct my hyperbole and say “Well, I haven’t read EVERY one.” The man who loved a good fancy dress costume: chicken, vampire, vicar, and pantomime dame to name some of his most iconic. The man who was cheeky, secretly loved to gossip and would always say ‘’Oh, I think I could!” to a G&T. 

Anyway, here’s 11 things he taught me that I’ll remember forever:

1. Work hard. Being pretty isn’t everything.

This is a real bummer tbh. Can’t I just bat my eyelids and get what I want? Born to slay, forced to work. Thanks for humbling me regularly.

2. Choose your battles. 

He was a diplomatic man that was too smart to argue about silly things. That didn’t mean things didn’t piss him off but he knew who and what wasn’t worth his time. 

3. Always have almond macaroons in a tin.

Rice paper. 225g ground almonds. 200g caster sugar. 3 medium egg whites. Mixy, Mixy. Flaked almonds on top to decorate. Bake 190 for 10/15 mins.

4. Give because it’s the right thing to do.

Not only because you think you’ll get something back.

5. All relationships take work.

Your friends, family, partner, colleagues all require their own levels of time, energy and effort to make them lasting and meaningful. 

6. You’ll have different friends for different reasons.

You’ll have 2am friends. One’s that you could call at 2 in the morning if you needed them. Some friends will be fun, but not very reliable. Some friends will feel like you’ve known them forever, even if you haven’t. Some friends you’ve known the longest might feel like strangers, but they’re all important.

7. Marmite works great in cooking.

Salty, stocky, sticky, and gooey.

8. Don’t be tight. 

With love, money, crisps or anything you have to give but especially don’t be the guy that avoids buying a round at the pub. That guy sucks. 

9. Travel at any given opportunity. 

Have a friend that lives in Barcelona? Go see them. Applied to work as a dancer on a cruise ship? Hope you get it. Want to study orangutans in Borneo? Better get there. 

10. Creatures make life better.

He was a softy for all animals, but especially for dogs, donkeys, cats and extra large rabbits.

11. Nothing lasts forever, except maybe love.

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